ECONOMY NEWS SHIPPING Adeniyi: Resolving Years of Clamour for Career Officer as Customs CG July 13, 2023 shippingnews
ECONOMY NEWS New Customs CG Visits National Security Adviser, Discusses Border Security Support July 13, 2023 shippingnews
ECONOMY NEWS How New Customs Act Will Boost Revenue, Promote Trade, Tackle Smuggling, by Wale Adeniyi July 11, 2023 shippingnews
ECONOMY NEWS SHIPPING PTML Customs Command Records N100.9bn in Six Months, Promises 3-Hours Vehicles Clearance July 7, 2023 shippingnews
ECONOMY NEWS SHIPPING As Hope Rises on Lifting of Ban on Vehicles, Rice Imports, Shippers, Freight Forwarders Cry Out Over Seme Border Road June 25, 2023 shippingnews
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ECONOMY NEWS SHIPPING Buhari: I Closed Borders Deliberately to Force Nigerians to Consume What They Produce May 24, 2023 shippingnews
ECONOMY Maritime NEWS Customs Board Confirms Appointment of 5 DCGs, 15 ACGs May 20, 2023 shippingnews