As Maritime Industry Mourns…. A Dirge for Late Arch. Ferdinand Agu, by Freight Forwarders

A ‘Rock of Ages’ Tribute to Late Arch. Ferdinand Agu, by The Nigerian Freight Forwarding Community
By Eugene Nweke
Dear Agu – Odogwu Nwoke!!
You lived a humble and noble life;
Being conscious of the obvious;
Nothing was in your hand on your entrance to the World;
Only clinged to the Cross by faith.
Indeed, naked you came and by Grace, you shall be washed, clothed with white robe by the Saviour, in the heavenlies.
Unto US human, it seems an early but, a foul, to a fountain fly.
Dear Agu – Odogwu Nwoke,
Assumingly, the quantum tributes & testimonials to the labours of our hands
could fulfil the law’s demands; then the will of man Speaks the will of God;
But then, you remained spectacular in life time, even unto death.
Here Again, neither your zeal, nor ours, no respite know, a mystery beyond man’s comprehension.
Even, if our tears, flows for ever,
All shall first fall for sin of man, which only the Saviour’s blood could atone; For He alone must save the mortal body unto eternity.
And Unto US human, is a demand for US to apply our heart unto wisdom.
Dear Agu – Odogwu Nwoke!
Now you’ve drawn this last fleeting breath, your eyelids closed in death;
Your spirit soaring to the worlds unknown, amidst terrestrial in celestial realms.
Hopeful, We shall all see again on the judgment throne, if our works are just and thus, we pray:
May the Rock of Ages, cleft for you. Please hide Yourself in Him.
Unto US human, this Is the path which seems common to man, the ways of our fathers gone.
Recall that, in the history of the NIMASA administration, two former director generals, committedly supported and quite Influential to what is today referred to as, Act 16,2007, the Council for the Regulation of Freight Forwarding in Nigeria – CRFFN.
These are now late Arch Ferdinand Agu and Bar Mfon Usoro.
Dear Agu – Odogwu Nwoke !!
Today, the Nigeria Freight Forwarding Community, stood in rude shock, yet helplessly join the maritime community to mourn your demise, especially so, for your rare, singular act via a strong commendation in support for the evolution of a professional Freight forwarding Practice in Nigeria, to the then Hon Minister Of Transportation, when the Secretary General of FIATA, Mr Issah Baluch undertook its median consultative visitation to Nigeria in 2003, in-solicitation for the enlistment of Nigeria in to the comity of global freight forwarding nations.
Of a particular remark, credited to you, was Your advice during a selected brainstorming forum at Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja, making case for the unification of the professional freight forwarding associations in the industry so as to project a common front for national & professional advancement.
Never the less, this is still in our mind, even though, unforeseen forces often pull a trigger of limitation, though, still surmountable.
To all of us in the Freight forwarding Community, we collectively lift our voices to the solemn hymn of “ROCK OF AGES, CLEFT FOR ME”
Hide Yourself In Him Forever more.
Odogwu Nwoke!!
Good night .
Fwdr Dr Eugene Nweke Rff Fnis Fpta, Fffa Ksm.
Secretary Customs Consultative Community – CCC.
Former National President of NAGAFF on behalf of the Nigeria Freight Forwarding Community.
10th June, 2024.