Judgement Day as Oil Bunkering Vessel Set Ablaze over CrudeTheft in Delta

It was judgement day for an illegal oil bunkering vessel which was set ablaze Monday over oil theft.
The vessel had earlier been seized by operatives of the Navy and the firm operated by Chief Government Ekpemupolo (alias Tompolo) on Thursday last week.
The vessel was set ablaze by operatives of the Navy and those working for Tompolo, according to reports.
It was gathered that the vessel with seven crew on board was caught with about 650 cubic metres of lifted crude oil in five compartments said to have been stolen.
The vessel with registration number L85 B9.50 was set ablaze in the presence of newsmen.
Captain Warredi Enisuoh, who is the Marine Intelligence Consultant for Tantita Security Services, said the arrest of the vessel followed intelligence report.
The Dutch vessel which was sold to a Nigerian, according to him, is being used illegally for crude oil theft for years.
He said the stolen oil was to be taken to Tema in Ghana before the arrest.
The vessel had earlier been seized by operatives of the Navy and the firm operated by Chief Government Ekpemupolo (alias Tompolo) on Thursday last week.
The vessel was set ablaze by operatives of the Navy and those working for Tompolo, according to reports.
It was gathered that the vessel with seven crew on board was caught with about 650 cubic metres of lifted crude oil in five compartments said to have been stolen.
The vessel with registration number L85 B9.50 was set ablaze in the presence of newsmen.
Captain Warredi Enisuoh, who is the Marine Intelligence Consultant for Tantita Security Services, said the arrest of the vessel followed intelligence report.
The Dutch vessel which was sold to a Nigerian, according to him, is being used illegally for crude oil theft for years.
He said the stolen oil was to be taken to Tema in Ghana before the arrest.