Sermon for ANLCA Members over Ugly Tuesday Attack on Secretariat
By Eugene Nweke
‘ The Storm Is a Pointer to Morrow’s Summer ‘
Isaiah 50:10.
The Parable Of Unseen Hands In Leadership :
As a fallout from the ugly scenarios reported at the ANLCA, particularly the incident recorded at its Secretariat yesterday, the 6th October, 2020. I am indeed morally and divinely compelled to offer this SERMON ON ANLCA.
I want to commence the sermon by sharing a vision I had about ANLCA in a likened order of the Parable of a Comfortable Plant, which goes thus : There is a little plant, small and stunted, growing under the shade of a broad spreading oak; and this little plant values the shade which covers it, and greatly does it esteem the quiet rest which its noble friend affords. But a blessing is designed for this little plant. So, on a fateful day, there came the woodman, and with his sharp axe, felled the oak tree. The plant weeped and cried saying, ” My shelter is departed, now every rough wind will blow upon me and every storm will seek to uproot me!!”.
But from the blues appears the Plants guardian Angel, uttering : “No!!, no!!!, now will the sun get at thee; now will the shower fall on thee in more copious abundance than before; now thy stunted form shall spring up into loveliness, and thy flower, which could never have expanded itself to perfection shall now laugh in the sunshine, and men shall say, “How greatly hath that plant increased!! How glorious bath become its beauty, through the removal of that which was its shade and Its delight !!”.
I will come back to enunciate on this parable, meanwhile, urging the past, present and future leaders, especially the Board of Trustees to have a rethink and deeply reflect on this parable.
I may however, not pray that God takes away your comforts and your privileges in other to make you a proactive and better leader, to be there for ANLCA and for whatever it represents to all of you as professionals.
Back to the essence of the ‘Sermon on ANLCA’, I shall dwell on the Book of Isaiah’ chapter 50:10 to speak with the tune of a peaceful preacher, hence, the verse 10 reads: “Who is among you that feareth Jehovah, that obeyeth the voice of his servant?. He that walketh in darkness and hath no light, let him trust in the name of Jehovah and rely upon his God”.
To begin with, is there darkness in the ANLCA family?. Obviously, there is darkness of perplexities and confusion, which is not of the heart but of the minds of members of this once enviable family.
Could it be said that, the ANLCA all through this decades has not produced a true believing and a faithful disciple (of either Christian or Muslim background),who obediently walks in the will of God, to aide in spiritual guidance, to show leadership the way to turn to and what to do per season?. Possibly, the lack of true disciples may be the reason why all seems to be groping their ways in darkness, with a seeming carefreeness.
Now that it is obvious that there is a prevailing darkness, what should the leaders and followers do, amidst a seemingly non faithful disciples?.
Simply, leadership should turn back to God, trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon God. Under the present circumstances, it is for the entire leaders to do nothing, but to sincerely take to heart the vanity of life. As such, all must admit that in one way or the other, you have all erred, and hence, collectively lost leadership focus inspired by the Almighty God.
Though, it is impossible for poor human nature to believe it can do nothing under the present circumstances. I am not saying that, non can do nothing per say, but to state that “When you’re rattled, don’t rush to take actions!”, in other words, when you don’t know what hit you, nor what to do, don’t do anything for doing sake, else you compound your problems.
I am compelled to state that, ANLCA has run into a spiritual fog bank, it doesn’t need to continue tearing ahead. It is time to slow down the machinery of its life, where possible, it may need to anchor its bark or allow it’s swing rest on its moorings.
At this point, I may not be too far from the obvious fact, that the minds of its leaders and followers are distracted and their hearts distressed. Darkness has stepped in leaving a striking leadership delusion on all.
Running hither and thither is a vain effort, because in the moment of corporate dark place of trial, the wisest escape route is self purging first, followed by collective purging, then turning back to embrace what divine providence has availed for us.
Before ending this Sermon on ANLCA, I make bold to state that, for this avoidable administrative crisis in association to have lasted to this point without any form of external intervention from the CRFFN, is a huge administrative limitations, an exposee of inadequate supervisory measures or internal reconciliatory mechanism in place, thereby, casting a serious professional regulatory authority oversight questions on all of us as professionals and not limited to the Governing Council, members.
At this point, the essence of accrediting ANLCA as Professional Freight Forwarding Association, which hitherto signed an oath of allegiance to the CRFFN comes to the fore, mostly so, in the face of professional bestowment on Associations leadership to consciously exhibit, professional norms, transparency, accountability and tranquility at all times.
The CRFFN having been interpreted as an agency of the FMOT, like other agencies under the FMOT, I seriously doubt, if the Board of other agencies, will fold their hands , watch and allow internal crisis within their extended management executives to degenerate to the present state as it is with ANLCA
ANLCA is a registered professional accredited Association made up of freight forwarding practitioners , as such, there should be a limit to every excesses. It is on this note, of the reported incidence of yesterday at the ANLCA Secretariat that, I wish to dispassionately urge the Governing Council leadership to step up its oversight functions and nip this revolving leadership quagmire in ANLCA in the bud. Let’s take a cue from other professionals, ours is not different, and The time to act, is now.
Without mincing words, the ANLCA leadership brouhaha has opened up a new fiesta of internal regulatory shortcomings, there is the need for a review of extant regulations.
I will end this version of sermon by emphasizing that, if leaders and followers adjust and make a U-turn to seek God’s intervention over this present seeming darkness, and opt for forgiveness as a watch word, l am strongly sure, that the peace of God must calm all warring minds and sooth every pained hearts. I encourage all to collectively put their hands in the hand of God like little children, then refrain from all forms of scripted evil plans and vices ( including all forms of calumnies, protests, solidarity show, etc), against each other, but rather, allow God to lead you all out into the bright sunshine of His love.
God knows, the way out of the woods. May you all find it worthy to climb up into God’s arms, and trust Him to take you and the Association out of this lingering darkness to the shortest and surest road. –
This Sermon was inspired by the spirit of brotherhood devoid of prejudice.
May God grant all the concerned individuals and interest groups a listening ears and adhering minds.
Thanks for your attention.
Fwdr., Dr. Eugene Nweke, Ksm. Rff.
Concerned Stakeholder cum Preacher Of Peace.
‘ The Storm Is a Pointer to Morrow’s Summer ‘
Isaiah 50:10.
The Parable Of Unseen Hands In Leadership :
As a fallout from the ugly scenarios reported at the ANLCA, particularly the incident recorded at its Secretariat yesterday, the 6th October, 2020. I am indeed morally and divinely compelled to offer this SERMON ON ANLCA.
I want to commence the sermon by sharing a vision I had about ANLCA in a likened order of the Parable of a Comfortable Plant, which goes thus : There is a little plant, small and stunted, growing under the shade of a broad spreading oak; and this little plant values the shade which covers it, and greatly does it esteem the quiet rest which its noble friend affords. But a blessing is designed for this little plant. So, on a fateful day, there came the woodman, and with his sharp axe, felled the oak tree. The plant weeped and cried saying, ” My shelter is departed, now every rough wind will blow upon me and every storm will seek to uproot me!!”.
But from the blues appears the Plants guardian Angel, uttering : “No!!, no!!!, now will the sun get at thee; now will the shower fall on thee in more copious abundance than before; now thy stunted form shall spring up into loveliness, and thy flower, which could never have expanded itself to perfection shall now laugh in the sunshine, and men shall say, “How greatly hath that plant increased!! How glorious bath become its beauty, through the removal of that which was its shade and Its delight !!”.
I will come back to enunciate on this parable, meanwhile, urging the past, present and future leaders, especially the Board of Trustees to have a rethink and deeply reflect on this parable.
I may however, not pray that God takes away your comforts and your privileges in other to make you a proactive and better leader, to be there for ANLCA and for whatever it represents to all of you as professionals.
Back to the essence of the ‘Sermon on ANLCA’, I shall dwell on the Book of Isaiah’ chapter 50:10 to speak with the tune of a peaceful preacher, hence, the verse 10 reads: “Who is among you that feareth Jehovah, that obeyeth the voice of his servant?. He that walketh in darkness and hath no light, let him trust in the name of Jehovah and rely upon his God”.
To begin with, is there darkness in the ANLCA family?. Obviously, there is darkness of perplexities and confusion, which is not of the heart but of the minds of members of this once enviable family.
Could it be said that, the ANLCA all through this decades has not produced a true believing and a faithful disciple (of either Christian or Muslim background),who obediently walks in the will of God, to aide in spiritual guidance, to show leadership the way to turn to and what to do per season?. Possibly, the lack of true disciples may be the reason why all seems to be groping their ways in darkness, with a seeming carefreeness.
Now that it is obvious that there is a prevailing darkness, what should the leaders and followers do, amidst a seemingly non faithful disciples?.
Simply, leadership should turn back to God, trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon God. Under the present circumstances, it is for the entire leaders to do nothing, but to sincerely take to heart the vanity of life. As such, all must admit that in one way or the other, you have all erred, and hence, collectively lost leadership focus inspired by the Almighty God.
Though, it is impossible for poor human nature to believe it can do nothing under the present circumstances. I am not saying that, non can do nothing per say, but to state that “When you’re rattled, don’t rush to take actions!”, in other words, when you don’t know what hit you, nor what to do, don’t do anything for doing sake, else you compound your problems.
I am compelled to state that, ANLCA has run into a spiritual fog bank, it doesn’t need to continue tearing ahead. It is time to slow down the machinery of its life, where possible, it may need to anchor its bark or allow it’s swing rest on its moorings.
At this point, I may not be too far from the obvious fact, that the minds of its leaders and followers are distracted and their hearts distressed. Darkness has stepped in leaving a striking leadership delusion on all.
Running hither and thither is a vain effort, because in the moment of corporate dark place of trial, the wisest escape route is self purging first, followed by collective purging, then turning back to embrace what divine providence has availed for us.
Before ending this Sermon on ANLCA, I make bold to state that, for this avoidable administrative crisis in association to have lasted to this point without any form of external intervention from the CRFFN, is a huge administrative limitations, an exposee of inadequate supervisory measures or internal reconciliatory mechanism in place, thereby, casting a serious professional regulatory authority oversight questions on all of us as professionals and not limited to the Governing Council, members.
At this point, the essence of accrediting ANLCA as Professional Freight Forwarding Association, which hitherto signed an oath of allegiance to the CRFFN comes to the fore, mostly so, in the face of professional bestowment on Associations leadership to consciously exhibit, professional norms, transparency, accountability and tranquility at all times.
The CRFFN having been interpreted as an agency of the FMOT, like other agencies under the FMOT, I seriously doubt, if the Board of other agencies, will fold their hands , watch and allow internal crisis within their extended management executives to degenerate to the present state as it is with ANLCA
ANLCA is a registered professional accredited Association made up of freight forwarding practitioners , as such, there should be a limit to every excesses. It is on this note, of the reported incidence of yesterday at the ANLCA Secretariat that, I wish to dispassionately urge the Governing Council leadership to step up its oversight functions and nip this revolving leadership quagmire in ANLCA in the bud. Let’s take a cue from other professionals, ours is not different, and The time to act, is now.
Without mincing words, the ANLCA leadership brouhaha has opened up a new fiesta of internal regulatory shortcomings, there is the need for a review of extant regulations.
I will end this version of sermon by emphasizing that, if leaders and followers adjust and make a U-turn to seek God’s intervention over this present seeming darkness, and opt for forgiveness as a watch word, l am strongly sure, that the peace of God must calm all warring minds and sooth every pained hearts. I encourage all to collectively put their hands in the hand of God like little children, then refrain from all forms of scripted evil plans and vices ( including all forms of calumnies, protests, solidarity show, etc), against each other, but rather, allow God to lead you all out into the bright sunshine of His love.
God knows, the way out of the woods. May you all find it worthy to climb up into God’s arms, and trust Him to take you and the Association out of this lingering darkness to the shortest and surest road. –
This Sermon was inspired by the spirit of brotherhood devoid of prejudice.
May God grant all the concerned individuals and interest groups a listening ears and adhering minds.
Thanks for your attention.
Fwdr., Dr. Eugene Nweke, Ksm. Rff.
Concerned Stakeholder cum Preacher Of Peace.